/* * Program to test sort function: * Generate a random sequence of N integers, sort them, and check * that the sort succeeded. * This version reads N from standard input and uses malloc() to get * space for the array. It sorts using a selection sort. */ #include #include /* function declarations */ void fill_with_random(int nums[], int size); void sort(int nums[], int size); void sort_check(int nums[], int size); /* comparison function to pass to qsort */ int compare(const void *elem1, const void *elem2); /* * main program */ int main(void) { int N; printf("how many numbers?\n"); if (scanf("%d", &N) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "not a number\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* allocate space for array */ int * nums = malloc(sizeof(*nums) * N); if (nums == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "could not allocate space for %d ints\n", N); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* fill, sort, check as before */ fill_with_random(nums, N); sort(nums, N); sort_check(nums, N); /* free allocated space */ free(nums); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* * fills nums[0 .. size-1] with a random sequence of integers */ void fill_with_random(int nums[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { nums[i] = rand(); /* printf("%d\n", nums[i]); */ } } /* * prints "sort succeeded" if nums[0 .. size-1] is in order, * "sort failed" if not */ void sort_check(int nums[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size-1 ; ++i) { if (!(nums[i] <= nums[i+1])) { printf("sort failed\n"); return; } } printf("sort succeeded\n"); } /* * sorts nums[0 .. size-1] */ void sort(int nums[], int size) { qsort(nums, size, sizeof(nums[0]), &compare); } /* comparison function to pass to qsort */ int compare(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) { int *e1 = (int *) elem1; int *e2 = (int *) elem2; if (*e1 < *e2) return -1; else if (*e1 > *e2) return 1; else return 0; }