CSCI 1120 (Low-Level Computing), Fall 2018:
Homework X

Up to 20 extra-credit points.

General Instructions

You can do as many of the following problems as you like, but you can only receive a total of 20 extra points. (How these figure into your grade: My usual grading scheme is based on adding up your points and dividing by perfect-score points. Extra-credit point are added to the ``your points'' number without changing the ``perfect score'' number. So the only thing you can lose by attempting extra problems is the time you spend on them.)

NOTE that the usual rules for collaboration do not apply to this assignment. Please work individually, without discussing problems with other students.

Programming Problems

Do as many of the following programming problems as you like. You will end up with at least one code file per problem. Submit your program source (and any other needed files) by sending mail to with each file as an attachment. Please use a subject line that mentions the course and the assignment (e.g., ``csci 1120 hw X'' or ``LL hw X''). You can develop your programs on any system that provides the needed functionality, but I will test them on one of the department's Linux machines, so you should probably make sure they work in that environment before turning them in.

  1. (Up to 5 points) Write a C program that, given the name of a text file as a command-line argument, reads the contents of the file and produces a histogram of word lengths, where a ``word'' is one or more alphabetic characters. So for example given an input file containing the following text
    Now is the time for all good persons to come to the aid of their party.
    A really long word, though perhaps not the longest in English,
    is "antidisestablishmentarianism" (28 letters).
    it would produce the following
       1 *
       2 ******
       3 ********
       4 *****
       5 **
       6 **
       7 *****
    >=20 *
    (Note that it groups all words of length at least 20 into a single output line -- simpler to code and in my opinion reasonable.)

  2. (Up to 5 points) Write a C program that evaluates polynomial $ p(x)$ given the coefficients of $ p$ and one or more values of $ x$. Your program should get the coefficients from command-line arguments and then repeatedly prompt for values of $ x$ until the user enters something non-numeric. A supposedly efficient way to evaluate a polynomial is with ``Horner's rule'' (check the Wikipedia article if you're not familiar with this approach), which can be implemented with a loop or recursion. (My program does both.) A sample execution, with command-line arguments 2 4 3 5:
    a.out 2 4 3 5
    p(x) = 5.000000(x**3) + 3.000000(x**2) + 4.000000(x**1) + 2.000000
    iterative version:
    p(10.000000) = 5342.000000
    recursive version:
    p(10.000000) = 5342.000000
    iterative version:
    p(100.000000) = 5030402.000000
    recursive version:
    p(100.000000) = 5030402.000000
    invalid input

  3. (Up to 10 points) Write a C program that converts lengths from one unit to another -- centimeters to inches, kilometers to miles, etc. To keep things simple, you can represent the different units with one- or two-character strings. The program should prompt repeatedly for an amount to convert and the two units, stopping when the user signals ``end of file'' (control-D on Linux). Sample execution:
    enter amount and two units (control-D to end)
    possible conversions:
    	in to cm
    	cm to in
    	ft to m
    	m to ft
    	mi to km
    	km to mi
    1 in cm
    1 in is 2.54 cm
    enter amount and two units (control-D to end)
    possible conversions:
    	in to cm
    	cm to in
    	ft to m
    	m to ft
    	mi to km
    	km to mi
    2.54 cm in
    2.54 cm is 1 in
    enter amount and two units (control-D to end)
    possible conversions:
    	in to cm
    	cm to in
    	ft to m
    	m to ft
    	mi to km
    	km to mi
    10 ki mi
    unknown conversion
    enter amount and two units (control-D to end)
    possible conversions:
    	in to cm
    	cm to in
    	ft to m
    	m to ft
    	mi to km
    	km to mi
    10 km mi
    10 km is 6.21371 mi
    enter amount and two units (control-D to end)
    possible conversions:
    	in to cm
    	cm to in
    	ft to m
    	m to ft
    	mi to km
    	km to mi
    10 km miles
    invalid input
    enter amount and two units (control-D to end)
    possible conversions:
    	in to cm
    	cm to in
    	ft to m
    	m to ft
    	mi to km
    	km to mi
    1 ft m
    1 ft is 0.3048 m
    enter amount and two units (control-D to end)
    possible conversions:
    	in to cm
    	cm to in
    	ft to m
    	m to ft
    	mi to km
    	km to mi
    1 m ft
    1 m is 3.28084 ft
    To get maximum points, your program should do the following: You will get some points for any program that works more or less as shown by the sample output, including one that just prompts once, does the requested conversion, and exits.

  4. (Up to 10 points) In most of the programs we wrote in class and for homework we made some attempt to ``validate'' user input (e.g., check that inputs are numeric when they're supposed to be, positive when they're supposed to be, etc.). Doing this for many variables is apt to produce a lot of uninterestingly-repetitive code. Also, if the input was not valid we just bailed out of the program rather than trying again. Propose and implement one or more functions that would address one or both of these possible shortcomings, and submit it/them with a short program that could be used to test it/them. Be sure to include comments that describe the function's parameters and behavior (does it exit the program on error or prompt again or what). You might like to have functions for working with input from standard input and also functions that work with command-line arguments.

  5. (Up to 10 points) In class I said that getting ``a line'' of character data (a sequence of characters read from a file or standard input ending with the end-of-line character) was surprisingly difficult and error-prone in C. Propose and implement a function or functions that gets a full line of character data in a way that does not limit the length of the input data but also does not risk overflowing an array, and submit it/them with a short program that could be used to test it/them. (You will almost surely need malloc to make this work.)

  6. (Up to 20 points) Write a C program to solve a problem that seems interesting to you. How much credit you can get depends on difficulty - solving a relatively easy problem is worth fewer points than solving a more difficult one, and programs that are well-structured will get more points than those that are less so (e.g., good use of functions will get you more points). Include comments in your program that explain what problem it solves and what input it needs from the user (command-line arguments, input files, input from stdin). If you have an idea for this problem but aren't sure how much credit you could get, ask me by e-mail.

Honor Code Statement

Include in each part of the assignment (written and programming problems) the Honor Code pledge or just the word ``pledged'', plus one of the following statements, whichever applies:

(As before, ``entirely my own work'' means that it's your own work except for anything you got from the assignment itself -- some programming assignments include ``starter code'', for example -- or from the course Web site.)


Include a brief essay (a sentence or two is fine, though you can write as much as you like) telling me what about the assignment you found interesting, difficult, or otherwise noteworthy. For programming assignments, it should go in the body of the e-mail or in a plain-text file essay.txt (no word-processor files please).

Berna Massingill