CSCI 1120 (Low-Level Computing):

The table below lists readings for topics covered in class. For most topics you have two options: selected chapters from the textbook, or selections from an online tutorial.

Lecture date Topic Readings
September 4 Introduction to C; variables and expressions in C; simple I/O in C Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 of textbook OR Online tutorial (sections 1, 2, 3, 4)
September 11 Conditional execution in C Chapter 5 of textbook OR Online tutorial (sections 7, 8)
Functions in C Chapters 9, 10 of textbook OR Online tutorial (section 2.4)
September 18 Loops and arrays in C Chapters 6, 7, 8 of textbook OR Online tutorial (sections 9, 10.2)
September 25 Pointers and strings in C Chapters 11, 12, 13 of textbook OR Online tutorial (section 10)
October 2 I/O and files in C Chapter 22 of textbook OR Online tutorial (section 11)
October 9 Computer representation of data Wikipedia articles on computer numbering formats and ASCII (skim)
October 16 Dynamic memory allocation in C Chapter 17 of textbook OR Online tutorial (section 12)
Function pointers in C Chapter 17 of textbook OR class notes
October 23 C preprocessor directives Chapter 14 of textbook OR Online tutorial (section 13)
Separate compilation and make Chapter 15 of textbook OR GNU make manual, (sections 1, 2) and Online tutorial (sections 5, 6)