CSCI 1120 (Low-Level Computing):

The table below shows planned topics, readings, and assignments. Assignments are due at 11:59pm on the date shown, unless otherwise indicated.

Note that this course is remote-only. You can find Zoom meeting links here. I plan to record all class meetings, and you can find links to recordings in the same document.

Video quizzes can be found on Echo 360. Note that each week's group of lectures should be available a week ahead of class, but not always earlier.

Lecture date Topics Reading Assignments
January 27 (W) About the course (Notes)    
February 3 (W) Variables and expressions in C; simple I/O in C (Notes) Reading for 02/03; video lectures group 01 (01a, 01b, 01c, 01d, 01e) Homework 1: HTML, PDF (accepted without penalty through 2/05)
February 10 (W) Conditional execution in C; functions in C Reading for 02/10; video lectures group 02 (02a, 02b, 02c, 02d, 02e) Homework 2: HTML, PDF
February 17 (W) (Class cancelled by University)    
February 24 (W) Loops and arrays in C; a little about ``random'' numbers
Reading for 02/24; video lectures group 03 (03a, 03b, 03c) Homework 3: HTML, PDF
March 3 (W) Pointers in C; strings in C; command-line arguments in C Reading for 03/03; video lectures group 04 (04a, 04b, 04c)  
March 10 (W) I/O and files in C (Notes) Reading for 03/10; video lectures group 05 (05a, 05b) Homework 4: HTML, PDF
March 17 (W) Computer representation of data Reading for 03/17; video lectures group 06 (06a, 06b, 06c, 06d, 06e) Homework 5: HTML, PDF
March 24 (W) Dynamic memory allocation in C; function pointers in C Reading for 03/24: video lectures group 07 (07a, 07b)  
March 31 (W) C preprocessor directives; separate compilation and make Reading for 03/31: video lectures group 08 (08a, 08b) Homework 6: HTML, PDF
(accepted through 4/02 without penalty)
April 7 (W) No class (part of distributed spring break)    
April 14 (W) Multi-dimensional arrays in C revisited Video lectures group 09 (09a, 09b) Homework 7: HTML, PDF
April 21 (W) User-defined types in C Reading for 04/21; video lectures group 10 (10a, 10b)  
April 28 (W) User-defined types, continued Video lectures group 11 (11a, 11b) Homework 8: HTML, PDF
May 5 (W) Course wrap-up and evaluations (Notes) Video lectures group 12 (12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, 12e, 12f)  
May 12 (W) (Not a class day)   Homework 9: HTML, PDF
May 16 (Su) (Not a class day)   Final deadline for all work for graduating seniors
May 19 (W) (Not a class day)   Final deadline for all work

Sample solutions to homeworks

NOTE that you should only look at one of these after you submit your final version for that assignment.