CSCI 1321 (Principles of Algorithm Design II), Fall 2007:
Homework 5


Design 20 points; code 40 points.


In this assignment you will continue working on the moving parts of your game, in particular the entities other than your player. You don't have to finish writing them for this assignment, but as before the more you do now the less you will have left to do at the end of the semester. You will also write a replacement for the ListBasedPriorityQueue class in the framework. This class should implement the PriorityQueue interface. (Later in the semester you will write a different implementation of a priority queue and compare the performance of the two implementations.)


The design for this assignment will include descriptions of the classes you will write or modify (one for each kind of non-player game entity, plus the replacement for ListBasedPriorityQueue) and their methods. As before, for the design step you can write skeleton or stub versions of the new classes. You should also look again at your descriptions of classes you wrote for previous homeworks and see if they need to be improved or updated. Remember that I want at least a short comment about every class and every method. As your project gets bigger and more complex, the comments describing classes will become more important, since they help human readers of your code understand how everything fits together.

Step-by-step instructions


For this assignment, you have to write or modify a number of classes, described in the next section (``Classes for this assignment''). This section describes the overall procedure.

Step-by-step instructions

Classes for this assignment

For this assignment the coding job consists of two main pieces -- writing or modifying game-entity classes and possibly modifying your player class, and writing your PriorityQueue class.

Files and links

Berna Massingill