# # program to get a line of text from user and echo, using SPIM system calls # .text .globl main main: # # opening linkage (save return address) # addi $sp,$sp,-4 sw $ra,0($sp) # # prompt # la $a0, prompt li $v0, 4 # "print string" syscall syscall # # get input # la $a0, ans li $a1, 100 li $v0, 8 # "read string" syscall syscall # # echo # la $a0, echo li $v0, 4 # "print string" syscall syscall la $a0, ans li $v0, 4 syscall # # closing linkage (get return address and restore stack pointer) # lw $ra,0($sp) addi $sp,$sp,4 jr $ra .end main # # area for variables and constants # .data prompt: .asciiz "Enter a line of text:\n" echo: .asciiz "You entered:\n" ans: .space 100