[CS3190unix-list] cs3190 -- syllabus changes as discussed Monday

Berna Massingill bmassing at cs.trinity.edu
Wed Mar 31 19:30:36 CST 2004

I've updated the syllabus online to reflect what we decided Monday
in class.  To recap:

In the syllabus I said everyone would be required to do some sort of
project in addition to the required homeworks.  This will no longer
be required, and total points for homework will be about 100 (rather
than the 200 estimated in the syllabus).  

Anyone who wants to earn extra points, however, has the option of
doing a project.  The amount of extra credit will be determined by
the project's scope (maximum of 10 points for something comparable
to one homework, etc., up to a maximum of 30 points) and quality.
If this sounds interesting to you, come talk to me about project ideas.
Obvious possibilities are programming projects implemented using shell
scripts and/or makefiles.  The due date will be no earlier than the
last day of classes (April 30).

Your final average will be computed as the sum of attendance points
(maximum 50), homework points (maximum about 100), and project points,
divided by the maximum points for attendance and homework.  As stated
in the syllabus, 90% is at least an A-, 80% at least a B-, etc.
There is some possibility that the actual dividing lines between letter
grades will be lower, but for this course I suspect this is unlikely,
since the median midterm letter grade was an A- without a "curve".

Questions?  Please ask!

-- blm

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