CSCI 3194 (UNIX Power Tools):

The table below suggests readings for topics covered in class. Try to read at least one of the choices for each topic. (In many cases the readings cover more material than we discussed in class, and more than I really expect you to read. Skim for topics mentioned in class. You may find the online notes useful.) You will probably get the most out of the reading if you have ready access to a UNIX/Linux machine to experiment on.

Lecture date Topic Readings
September 10 How to find out information (man, info, and apropos)
File and filesystem basics (file permissions, commands to manipulate files and directories)
Processes and job control
September 24 Shell basics (control keys, command history, environment variables) and customizations (aliases and functions)
I/O redirection and pipes
Filter programs and other useful commands (find, diff, xargs, sed, awk)
  • man pages for awk, cat, cut, diff, echo, expand, find, fmt, grep, head, less, more, paste, sed, sort, tail, tr, uniq, wc, xargs -- not reading all details, just skimming to get an idea of what the commands do
October 8 Basics of shell scripting
October 22 Text editors; vi and emacs
  • Online tutorials and help (as described in Homework 2)
October 29 Regular expressions
November 5 make
  • The following chapters from the GNU Make Manual: 1 (introduction and 1.1); 2; 3 (introduction, 3.1, and 3.2); 4 (introduction, 4.1, and 4.2); 5 (introduction, 5.1, 5.2, and 5.4); 6 (introduction, 6.1, 6.4, and 6.5); 9 (introduction, 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3); 10 (introduction, 10.1, 10.2 (skim), 10.3 (skim), 10.5 (introduction only), and 10.7).
November 12 LaTeX