CS 3291 (Java with Internet Applications):
Homework #6



10 points per part.

Follow the same basic instructions as for the other homeworks. Submit your Java source file, as described in How to submit homework.

This homework is worth 10 points per part: 8 points for correctness, 2 points for style.

Homework #6a

Modify your solution to Homework #4 (the bookmarks program) and add code to validate the URL portion of each bookmark -- that is, ensure that it corresponds to a real Web document. Validate URLs at two points: You should reject URLs that (1) are invalid in form (e.g., junk://www.junk.xxxx), or (2) don't correspond to a real Web document.

If you don't have a good solution to Homework #4, you may start from the sample solution.

Helpful hints:
See the ShowURLContents sample program and chapter 12.

Homework #6b

Modify the starter program for Homework #5 (or you may use an application version of your solution) so that it behaves correctly when resized: The starter program misbehaves in that while the size of the drawing area appears to change when the window is resized, in fact any added space can't be drawn on. Your mission for this assignment is to correct that.

Helpful hints: