CSCI 3323 (Principles of Operating Systems), Fall 2017:
Homework 5

55 points.


Be sure you have read, or at least skimmed, Chapter 3.

Honor Code Statement

Please include with each part of the assignment the Honor Code pledge or just the word ``pledged'', plus one or more of the following about collaboration and help (as many as apply).1Text in italics is explanatory or something for you to fill in. For written assignments, it should go right after your name and the assignment number; for programming assignments, it should go in comments at the start of your program(s).


Answer the following questions. You may write out your answers by hand or using a word processor or other program, but please submit hard copy, either in class or in one of my mailboxes (outside my office or in the ASO).

  1. (5 points) The operating system designers at Acme Computer Company have been asked to think of a way of reducing the amount of disk space needed for paging. One person proposes never saving pages that only contain program code, but simply paging them in directly from the file containing the executable. Will this work always, never, or sometimes? If ``sometimes'', when will it work and when will it not? (Hint: Search your recollections of CSCI 2321 -- or another source -- for a definition of ``self-modifying code''.)

  2. (5 points) How long it takes to access all elements of a large data structure can depend on whether they're accessed in contiguous order (i.e., one after another in the order in which they're stored in memory), or in some other order. The classic example is a 2D array, in which performance of nested loops such as

    	for (int r = 0; r < ROWS; ++r)
    	  for (int c = 0; c < COLS; ++c)
    	    array[r][c] = foo(r,c);

    can change drastically for a large array if the order of the loops is reversed. Give two explanations for this phenomenon based on what you have learned from our discussion of memory management. (Hint: One possible explanation is based on a topic we discussed extensively but that on current systems is less likely than it was before huge amounts of RAM became common. The currently-more-likely explanation is one we touched on but did not discuss extensively.)

  3. (10 points) Consider (imagine?) a very small computer system with only four page frames. Suppose you have implemented the aging algorithm for page replacement, using 4-bit counters and updating the counters after every clock tick, and suppose the $ R$ bits for the four pages are as follows after the first four clock ticks.

    Time $ R$ bit (page 0) $ R$ bit (page 1) $ R$ bit (page 2) $ R$ bit (page 3)
    after tick 1 0 1 1 1
    after tick 2 1 0 1 1
    after tick 3 1 0 1 0
    after tick 4 1 1 0 1

    What are the values of the counters (in binary) for all pages after these four clock ticks? If a page needed to be removed at that point, which page would be chosen for removal?

  4. (10 points) A computer at Acme Company used as a compute server (i.e., to run non-interactive jobs) is observed to be running slowly (turnaround times longer than expected). The system uses demand paging, and there is a separate disk used exclusively for paging. The sysadmins are puzzled by the poor performance, so they decide to monitor the system. It is discovered that the CPU is in use about 20% of the time, the paging disk is in use about 98% of the time, and other disks are in use about 5% of the time. They are particularly puzzled by the CPU utilization (percentage of time the CPU is in use), since they believe most of the jobs are compute-bound (i.e., much more computation than I/O). First give your best explanation of why CPU utilization is so low, and then for each of the following, say whether it would be likely to increase it and why.

    1. Installing a faster CPU.

    2. Installing a larger paging disk.

    3. Increasing the number of processes (``degree of multiprogramming'').

    4. Decreasing the number of processes (``degree of multiprogramming'').

    5. Installing more main memory.

    6. Installing a faster paging disk.

Programming Problems

Do the following programming problems. You will end up with at least one code file per problem. Submit your program source (and any other needed files) by sending mail to with each file as an attachment. Please use a subject line that mentions the course and the assignment (e.g., ``csci 3323 hw 5'' or ``O/S hw 5''). You can develop your programs on any system that provides the needed functionality, but I will test them on one of the department's Linux machines, so you should probably make sure they work in that environment before turning them in.

  1. (10 points) Write a program or programs to demonstrate the phenomenon described in problem 2. Turn in your program(s) and output showing differences in execution time. (It's probably simplest to just put this output in a text file and send that together with your source code file(s).) Try to do this in a way that shows a non-trivial difference in execution time (so you will likely need to make the arrays or other data structures large). I strongly recommend that you write your programs in C or C++, or some other language where timing results are more predictable than they're apt to be in, for example, a JVM-based language such as Java or Scala (because ``just-in-time'' compilation makes attempts to collect meaningful performance data difficult). But anything that can be compiled and executed on one of the Linux lab machines is acceptable, as long as you tell me how to compile and execute what you turn in, if it's not C or C++. You don't have to develop and run your programs on one of the lab machines, but if you don't, (1) tell me what system you used instead, and (2) be sure your programs at least compile and run on one of the lab machines, even if they don't necessarily give the same timing results as on the system you used.

    Possibly-helpful hints:

  2. (15 points) The starting point for this problem is a C++ program that simulates execution of a page replacement algorithm. Currently the program simulates only the FIFO algorithm. Your mission is to make it simulate one or more of the other algorithms mentioned in the text (and listed in the main program). You will get full credit for simulating one algorithm, extra points for simulating additional algorithms. The starter code -- well, there's a lot of it, but my hope is that I've structured it and commented it in such a way that you will not find your job too daunting.

    The program gets input from a combination of command-line arguments and an input file, described below, and produces some statistics including how many page faults each algorithm generates. To compile the program, use any C++ compiler (I've only tested with g++ on our machines, but I don't think I've done anything that wouldn't work with other compilers); you may need the -std=c++11 flag. Command-line arguments:

    Input file format: Output should be the following information, for each page replacement algorithm implemented: Make the following assumptions: Sample input and output: Algorithm-specific notes: If there are other details you find unclear from the textbook's description, please feel free to ask! When I started writing my sample solution I found that there were some details that were not spelled out in the textbook as clearly as one might like.

    To get started, get a copy of this ZIP file containing the starter code, unzip it (command unzip on our machines), and try compiling the main program (main.cpp) and running it (you might try it with -debug too). Then start looking at code, which is structured as follows.


... apply).1
Credit where credit is due: I based the wording of this list on a posting to a SIGCSE mailing list. SIGCSE is the ACM's Special Interest Group on CS Education.

Berna Massingill