CSCI 3323 (Principles of Operating Systems), Fall 2021:
Homework 3b

10 points.


(No real reading for this assignment.)

Programming Problems

For this assignment you won't actually be writing code, but you'll be doing something on a computer, so I'm calling it a programming homework. Turn it in in the same ways as for the written homeworks, by putting it in your course “TurnIn” folder on Google Drive. I think for most people it will be easier to use one of the department Linux machines, but you can use anything that provides suitable environment.

  1. (10 points) One of the problems in Homework 3a asks why access time to an array can depend on whether it's accessed row by row or column by column. It's interesting to try to watch this in action, so I wrote a little program to try it out, allowing users to vary the size of the array. I tried the program on several different computers and for several different sizes and observed that it did matter, and how much it mattered varied too. Your mission for this problem is just to compile and run this program on at least two different computers and several different problem sizes and report results.

    First about the program:

    I spent probably too much time trying this out on different computers and with different problem sizes, but I observed many interesting things:

    What I want you to do is this:

Essay and pledge

Include with your assignment the following information.

For programming assignments, please put it a separate file. (I strongly prefer plain text, but if you insist you can put it in a PDF -- just no word-processor documents or Google Drive links please.) For written assignments, please put it in your main document.


This should include the Honor Code pledge, or just the word “pledged”, plus at least one of the following about collaboration and help (as many as apply). Text in italics is explanatory or something for you to fill in; you don't need to repeat it!


This should be a brief essay (a sentence or two is fine, though you can write as much as you like) telling me what if anything you think you learned from the assignment, and what if anything you found interesting, difficult, or otherwise noteworthy.
