// // program to add numbers (read in from file, or generated // randomly) // illustrates use of collective-communication routines // // command-line argument: // name of file containing numbers (doubles) // or "-n N" to randomly generate N doubles // // this is version 1, using MPI_Bcast to broadcast all // input data to all processes // it's not very fast! // #include #include // has exit(), etc. #include // has ceil() #include #include #include // has copy() #include // MPI header file // function declarations -- see definitions, following main, // for comments void errorExit(const char msg[], const bool print); double * getFileInput(const char filename[], const bool root, const int nprocs, int * count); double * getRandomInput(const char inputCount[], const bool root, const int nprocs, int * count); int roundToMultiple(const int n, const int m); // main program int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double *nums = NULL; // will contain data to sort int count = 0; // will contain count of data to sort const int rootID = 0; // "root" process for collective comm. // initialize if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) errorExit("MPI initialization error\n", true); int nprocs; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs); int myID; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myID); // process command-line arguments and get input if (argc < 2) errorExit("usage: add-numbers inputfile | -n N\n", myID == rootID); if (argc == 2) nums = getFileInput(argv[1], myID == rootID, nprocs, &count); // calls errorExit if problems else nums = getRandomInput(argv[2], myID == rootID, nprocs, &count); // calls errorExit if problems // process rootID now has input data in "nums" // count is a multiple of nprocs // start timing double startTime = MPI_Wtime(); // broadcast size MPI_Bcast(&count, 1, MPI_INT, rootID, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // in all processes other than rootID, allocate space for nums if (myID != rootID) nums = new double[count]; // now broadcast data MPI_Bcast(nums, count, MPI_DOUBLE, rootID, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // each process adds up 1/nprocs of the numbers int numsPerProcess = count/nprocs; int begin = myID * numsPerProcess; int end = begin + numsPerProcess; double partialSum = 0; for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i) partialSum += nums[i]; cerr << "partial sum in process " << myID << " = " << partialSum << endl; // now "reduce" results to get whole sum double sum; MPI_Reduce(&partialSum, &sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, rootID, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // end timing double endTime = MPI_Wtime(); // print results if (myID == rootID) { cout << "sum = " << sum << endl; cout << "nprocs = " << nprocs << endl; cout << "problem size = " << count << endl; cout << "time = " << endTime - startTime << " seconds\n"; } // clean up and exit delete [] nums; MPI_Finalize(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // function definitions // function to bail out with error message // post: "msg" has been printed to standard error, // if "print" is true // MPI_Finalize and exit have been called, to // clean up and bail out void errorExit(const char msg[], const bool print) { if (print) cerr << msg; MPI_Finalize(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // function to get input from file // pre: filename is the first command-line argument (after pgm name) // post: if file "filename" does not exist, errorExit has been // called // if file "filename" exists: if "root", *count contains // number of items read and return value points to // dynamically-allocated array containing input data // *count is a multiple of nprocs (actual data is padded with // zeroes if necessary to make this true) double * getFileInput(const char filename[], const bool root, const int nprocs, int * count) { ifstream infile; infile.open(filename); if (!infile) errorExit("input file not found\n", root); if (root) { double temp; vector vTemp; while (infile >> temp) vTemp.push_back(temp); infile.close(); *count = roundToMultiple(vTemp.size(), nprocs); double * numsToReturn = new double[*count]; copy(vTemp.begin(), vTemp.end(), numsToReturn); for (int i = vTemp.size(); i < *count; ++i) numsToReturn[i] = 0; return numsToReturn; } else { infile.close(); return NULL; } } // function to generate input randomly // pre: inputCount is the second command-line argument (after pgm // name) // post: if "inputCount" is not a positive integer, errorExit has been // called // if "inputCount" is a positive integer: if "root", *count // contains number of input items and return value points to // dynamically-allocated array containing input data // (generated using rand()) // *count is a multiple of nprocs (actual data is padded with // zeroes if necessary to make this true) double * getRandomInput(const char inputCount[], const bool root, const int nprocs, int * count) { *count = 0; *count = atoi(inputCount); if (*count <= 0) errorExit("usage: add-numbers inputfile | -n N\n", root); *count = roundToMultiple(*count, nprocs); if (root) { double * numsToReturn = new double[*count]; for (int i = 0; i < *count; ++i) numsToReturn[i] = (double) rand() / (double) (RAND_MAX); return numsToReturn; } else return NULL; } // function to round up to nearest multiple // pre: n, m are positive integers // post: return value is smallest x >= n such that x is // a multiple of m int roundToMultiple(const int n, const int m) { return m * (int) ceil((double) n / (double) m); }