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14.1 Recursive Fibonacci

The recursive definitions mentioned above all involved trivial linear recursive processes. The next example illustrates the kind of analysis a student might perform on a less trivial problem. Consider the standard recursive definition of the fibonacci function.

fibonacci =: monad define script
if. y. < 2
  do. y.
  else. (fibonacci y. - 1) + fibonacci y. - 2

Program fibonacci (J Version)

Applying fibonacci to the argument 5 produces a result of 5. Tracing fibonacci produces the output

   traced_fibonacci 5
Entering, input = 5
Entering, input = 4
Entering, input = 3
Entering, input = 2
Entering, input = 1
Leaving, result = 1
Entering, input = 0
Leaving, result = 0
Leaving, result = 1
Entering, input = 1
Leaving, result = 1
Leaving, result = 2
Entering, input = 2
Entering, input = 1
Leaving, result = 1
Entering, input = 0
Leaving, result = 0
Leaving, result = 1
Leaving, result = 3
Entering, input = 3
Entering, input = 2
Entering, input = 1
Leaving, result = 1
Entering, input = 0
Leaving, result = 0
Leaving, result = 1
Entering, input = 1
Leaving, result = 1
Leaving, result = 2
Leaving, result = 5

Analyzing the fibonacci definition, we notice that there are two recursive calls to fibonacci inside this definition. We next write the continuations of each of these calls.

monad define 'y. + fibonacci n - 2'

monad define '(fibonacci n - 1) + y.'

fibonacci is not tail recursive. In fact, each continuation contains a recursive call to fibonacci. We also notice, from the traced output, that fibonacci makes applications of fibonacci to the same argument.

Consider the problem of evaluating fibonacci 3. Two continuations must be formed.

c1 =: monad define'y. + fibonacci 0'
c2 =: monad define'y. + fibonacci 1'

The value of fibonacci 3 is represented by the expression c2 c1 1. Next, consider the problem of evaluating fibonacci 4. Three continuations must be formed.

c1 =: monad define'y. + fibonacci 0'
c2 =: monad define'y. + fibonacci 1'
c3 =: monad define'y. + fibonacci 2'

The value of fibonacci 4 is represented by the expression c3 c2 c1 1.

Next we consider the number of times fibonacci is called while evaluating fibonacci. Define fib_work to be the number of times fibonacci is called while evaluating fibonacci. We see that:

It is easy to establish the recurrence formula for fib_work

fib_work n = 1 + (fib_work n - 1) + fib_work n - 2

Assuming that the execution time of fibonacci is proportional to fib_work, then the order of fibonacci is fib_work which is, itself, a fibonacci function. This analysis leads to a laboratory experiment [How 94] in which students conduct timing measurements of the number of recursive calls per second a workstation can make to fibonacci. Since fibonacci would make 1146295688027634168201 recursive calls while evaluating fibonacci 100, a workstation which can perform 1,000,000 recursive calls per second would require approximately 1146295688027634 seconds (more than 363487 centuries!) to evaluate fibonacci 100. This laboratory provides the opportunity for students to deal with formal analysis, experimental measurements, recursion and iteration.

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