CS 2322
Final Laboratory Problem Set
Putting It All Together

This Project Replaces
The Final Examination

Due Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at 3:35 p.m.

This project is to be done on an individual (with the exception of a group project as indicated below) basis following the Trinity University Academic Integrity Policy. Laboratory problems should be submitted electronically (e-mail to cs2322@cs.trinity.edu) on or before the due date and should contain a problem write-up, source code to any programs and data sets used in solving the problem. The submitted files should be ASCII text files having Unix end-of-line characters (please convert all Windows and Mac text files to Unix format-I have found that Emacs seems to do a reasonable job of such conversions). If several files need to be submitted, put them in a directory having name your-last-name-problem-set-number and create a tar archive of this file system and attach it to your e-mail problem submission.

A brief (about 5 minute) oral presentation and demonstration of your project will be done during the final class period for this course. The final course project and course project presentation will be used as a substitute for the course final examination.

Group projects

Students may form groups of size two (but are not required to form groups) to complete this final project, however, written materials and final presentation must indicate the contribution of each group member.

The Project Problem

Students (or groups) should submit a written project proposal before Thanksgiving break.

John Howland 2011-12-01