CS 2322 Extra Credit Laboratory Problem Set

These problems are to be done on an individual basis following the Trinity University Academic Integrity Policy Laboratory problems should be submitted electronically (e-mail to cs2322@cs.trinity.edu) on or before the due date and should contain a problem write-up, source code to any programs and data sets used in solving the problem. The submitted files should be ASCII text files having Unix end-of-line characters (please convert all Windows and Mac text files to Unix format-I have found that Emacs seems to do a reasonable job of such conversions). If several files need to be submitted, put them in a directory having name your-last-name-problem-set-number and create a tar archive of this file system and attach it to your e-mail problem submission.

Measuring the Performance of a Datastructure

The Course Notes section of the course web page contains a link to some notes on Data Structures and Notes on Measuring the Performance of a Datastructure which describe an experiment involving performance measurement. Perform this experiment.

Problem Set 8 Solution [ HTML ] [ PS ] [ PDF ]

John Howland 2011-10-12