CS 2322 Laboratory Problem Set 9

November 2, 2011
Due: November 10, 2011

These problems are to be done on an individual basis following the Trinity University Academic Integrity Policy Laboratory problems should be submitted electronically (e-mail to cs2322@cs.trinity.edu) on or before the due date and should contain a problem write-up, source code to any programs and data sets used in solving the problem. The submitted files should be ASCII text files having Unix end-of-line characters (please convert all Windows and Mac text files to Unix format-I have found that Emacs seems to do a reasonable job of such conversions). If several files need to be submitted, put them in a directory having name your-last-name-problem-set-number and create a tar archive of this file system and attach it to your e-mail problem submission.

A WEB Interface for a Database

Laboratory problem sets 4, 6, and 7 describe various models for a simple database or a relational database. In particular, laboratory problem 4 provided functions for searching a database. Build a J based CGI interface so that database queries may be taken from a web page form and the search results returned as a web page which is built by the J CGI script. Your program should be a working web page somewhere in your Local/HTML-Documents filesystem. You should turn-in this homework by e-mailing the URL for this web page.

Problem Set 9 Solution [ HTML ] [ PS ] [ PDF ]

John Howland 2011-11-08