Formatting Documents using HTML

All Web documents are written in a special language called HTML, for HyperText Markup Language. There are really two distinct things going on in any HTML document: In this section, we'll look at document formatting. The next section covers linking them together.


An HTML document is very simple really: it's just a plain text (i.e., ASCII) file containing both words and HTML markup tags (or just tags). The tags contain information telling any browser reading the document how the words should be formatted.

Below we'll look at the "simplest possible" HTML document, and then we'll enhance it as we learn a few of the basic tags. In a lot of ways, this just paraphrases the document A Beginner's Guide to HTML maintained at NCSA, which is highly recommended reading.

The Minimal HTML Document

The truth is that a document containing only the text
Hello world!
would probably be viewed "correctly" by most Web browsers, but to be "good" HTML, it should have a certain basic tag structure:
<title>The "Hello world!" Document</title>

Hello world!
Once you've got the basic structure in place, you can put whatever you want between the body tags.

Basic Markup Tags

Let's just visit A Beginner's Guide to HTML for their material on basic tags for

Author: Jim McDonald <>
Last modified: Thu Jul 20 22:55:33 1995