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What to turn in

In preceding homework assignments, you were to turn in your program in the form of printed source code. For this assignment, you are to turn in your program in electronic form, by (electronically) mailing its source code to me. To do this, perform the following steps.

Log into one of the CS lab machines and change directories to the directory containing your source code. (If you have developed your program on another machine, copy the source code to your CS lab account. There are several ways to do this.) Suppose your source is in a file named
Mail the program source using the following command:
	mail -s "CS1320 homework" <
This sends a message with a subject line of ``CS1320 homework'' and a body consisting of your source code.

Be sure that (1) your program source contains your name in the opening comments, and (2) your email message has a subject line of ``CS1320 homework'' -- I will grade only programs that arrive in my mailbox with this subject line.

For this assignment, I will evaluate your program by:

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