**simple tests: input is x Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: x That's all, folks! input is ( x + y ) Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: x y + That's all, folks! input is ( xy Q zw ) Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: xy zw Q That's all, folks! input is ( x + z ) Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: x z + That's all, folks! **more complicated tests: input is ( ( x + y ) / z ) Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: x y + z / That's all, folks! input is ( a + ( b / c ) ) Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: a b c / + That's all, folks! input is ( ( a + b ) * ( c / d ) ) Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: a b + c d / * That's all, folks! input is ( ( ( ( a + b ) * ( c * d ) ) - ( e - f ) ) Z ( ( k Q l ) + ( ( g / h ) / ( i % j ) ) ) ) Enter the expression to evaluate (multiple lines okay, control-D to end): In postfix notation: a b + c d * * e f - - k l Q g h / i j % / + Z That's all, folks!