Requirements for Deques1

Jeffrey D. Oldham

2000 Mar 26

Cho O. Train is writing a program to simulate ordering of railroad cars. He needs you to write a data structure representing the order of the cars in the train that he can use for his program. Each train car will be represented with a char.

The operations he needs to support include:

push_front('z') add the character to the front/left side of the train
push_back('z') add the character to the back/right side of the train
pop_front() remove the character at the front/left side
pop_back() remove the character at the back/right side
front() return the character at the front/left side
back() return the character at the back/right side
dq[3] return the character in car number 3 in deque dq
empty() return true if and only if the deque has no elements
output operator prints the characters in the deque

Popping does not return any characters. front, back, and dq[3] will work only if the desired characters exist. They should support both returning the specified characters and changing their values.


... Deques1
©2000 Jeffrey D. Oldham . All rights reserved. This document may not be redistributed in any form without the express permission of the author.
