Department of Computer Science

Problem Solving and Algorithm Design I

Spring Semester 2010

Dr. Maury Eggen

Homework Laboratory Exercise 4

The Acme Electronics company has decided to hire programmers to assist them with the preparation of their invoices for their products. Acme sells five different products, TV's, CD players, DVD players, MP3 players, and Play Station 3's. Acme sells TV's for $1199, CD players for $199, DVD players for $299, MP3 players for $99, and Play Station 3's for $399.

You are to write a program that will prompt the user for the quantity of each item purchased, include a 7.5% sales tax, and print an invoice for the purchaser. The format for the invoice is:

xx	TV			$1199.00        		xxxx
xx	CD PLAYER		 $199.00			xxxx
xx	DVD PLAYER		 $299.00			xxxx
xx	MP3 PLAYER		  $99.00			xxxx
xx	PLY STATION 3		 $399.00			xxxx
						SUBTOTAL	xxxx
						TAX		xxxx
						TOTAL		xxxx

Your homework submission must include:

Program due date is Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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