Computer Science 1320

Examination One Review

Spring Semester 2010


Examination One will be held Monday, Feb. 15, 2010.


The topics for the first examination will include, but are not limited to the following:


1. Information representation, hex, decimal, binary

2. Integers and short integers

3. Integer arithmetic using two's complement

4. Hex, decimal and binary conversions

5. Structure of a C program, introduction to C programming

6. Input/output using printf, scanf, gets, of integers, float and double

7. Functions, parameter passing, explicit return value.

8. Call by reference, call by value, address operator, reference operator

9. Problem solving with functions

         Understand the problem

         Make a plan

         Implement the plan


10. Decisions (if-else)

11. Loops (while and for)

12. Unix commands

13. vi commands


The problems on the exam will include functions for you to read and debug, functions for you to write, and several computational problems. Some problems will be similar to what you have seen before, but some will be unlike anything you have seen. You are to assimilate and synthesize your knowledge, and apply it to the problems given.


You may bring a 'cheat sheet' to the exam, one standard sheet of paper with anything on it you wish to bring.


The exam will take 50 minutes. Be on time and BRING SEVERAL PENCILS. Solutions written in ink are not acceptable.