Department of Computer Science

Principles of Programming II

Spring Semester 2012

Dr. Maury Eggen

Final Examination Review

The last examination of the semester will be held during the regularly scheduled final examination time, 12:00 noon May 4, 2012.

This examination will be held in the regular classroom. Please be on time, but take as much time as you need to show me what you know! The exam will be like the previous exams you have had this semester. You should be able to complete the exam in an hour, but you may use up to three hours if you wish.

The topics for the third examination include

0. Anything from the beginning of the semester till now!
1. Trees, binary trees, binary search trees
2. Sorting, bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, quicksort, heapsort, treesort, mergesort
3. Searching, sequential search, binary search, bst, link lists.
4. computational complexity
5. lists and list management. link lists, trees, insertion, deletion, searching
6. Hashing, theory and implementation
7. Python stuff: classes, modules,  etc.
8. Insertion and deletion from a binary search tree. Tree traversals, etc.
9. Sockets and socket programming
10. Threads, Processes and concurrency. Multithreading and Multiprocessing
11. Python constructs: inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading, etc.

Problems on the examination will include some definitions, fill in the blanks, true and false, short answer. Problems will also include studying and correcting code I write, as well as coding problems you will write. You will be allowed to have one cheat sheet of paper with notes on both sides for the test.

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