package edu.trinity.cs.gamecore.basic; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.*; import edu.trinity.cs.gamecore.Block; import edu.trinity.cs.gamecore.Location; /** *

This is a basic implementation of the Block interface. Starting with assignment 2 * you will create your own implementations of Block and this won't be used. Notice the * generic structure.

* *

The Image is static because all the blocks share the same image. If you have different * images for your blocks then this shouldn't be static. The Image is transient because * images can't be saved through serialization which will cause problems if you use the * ScreenEditor.

* * @author Mark Lewis */ public class BasicBlock implements Block { public BasicBlock() { } public Image getImage(){ if(img==null) { img=new BufferedImage(30,30,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics g=img.getGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.lightGray); g.fillRect(0,0,30,30); g.setColor(; g.fillRect(0,0,10,10); } return img; } public Container getEditPropertiesPanel(){ return null; } public Location getLinkLocation(){ return link; } public void setLinkLocation(Location linkLocation){ link=linkLocation; } private Location link = null; /** As noted above: * * The Image is static because all the blocks share the same image. If you * have different images for your blocks then this shouldn't be static. * Image is transient because images can't be saved through serialization * which will cause problems if you use the ScreenEditor. */ private static transient Image img=null; /** To make serialization work well (which is needed if you use the * ScreenEditor), every class you write should have a variable * serialVersionUID defined like this one. The exact value is not * important; all that's important is that it be different for * every class you write. */ private static final long serialVersionUID=457609283376092346l; }