Assignment #1

For this assignment you will do a little book work and a little programming. First, do the following questions from chapter 2.

2, 4,10, 11

Now for the coding aspect of the assignment. I want you to write code that will generate numbers from differential or cummulative distributions. I don't care what language you write it in or how you do it. Likely you will need at least one function that pulls the next numbers from a differential distribution as well as one function that pulls the next number from a cummulative distribution. To get the distributions you have to be able to read in a data file with value in it and reproduce the distribution of those numbers between some minimum and maximum. You will put these functions inside of a main method that will ask the user for a file name to read the input from then be able to generate sequences of numbers from the distribution using each of the two methods and output those numbers to file. The user should be able to tell you how many numbers to put in the generated file.

Extra Credit - Make it nice. Add things like the ability to view the distributions or the random numbers that are generated in some fashion. These types of tools can also be very good for determining if your code works.