Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedging Activities
Bob Jensen at Trinity University

Links to my SFAS 133 and IAS 39 Glossary and Transcriptions of Experts

The links to five cases (with answers) on hedging strategies and accounting under new rules for accounting for derivative financial instruments and hedging activities are as follows:

MarginWHEW Bank Case (interest rate profit hedging with 30 Eurodollar futures contracts)

Margin OOPS Bank Case (interest rate profit hedging with 75 Eurodollar futures contracts)
You can access the MarginOOPS Bank Case with buttons at the bottom of the screen.

CapIT Corporation Case (interest rate caps with Eurodollar interest rate put options taken from the Wall Street Journal)

FloorIT Bank Case (interest rate floors with Eurodollar interest rate call options taken from the Wall Street Journal)
You can access the FloorIT Bank Case with buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Mexcobre Case (a complex international hedging case involving a copper price swap)
Click here to download my SFAS 133 Tutorial Files at
Note especially the xls Excel files.  You may want to try downloading first from
Internet Explorer rather than Netscape.  Double click on an xls file.
  Many users will not
have their browsers configured properly for this type of download.  They should consult
the readme htm or txt files in the Index listing of  files.  The process seems to work when I
downloaded the xls files on our Trinity University lab computers.  The process failed with
a computer not having the latest version of Internet Explorer. 

The above link gives you a listing of files to download.  If the Excel xls files
are visible in your browser, they may navigate but will not be fully operational
unless you save them in your computer and then read them in a spreadsheet
program such as Excel or Lotus 123.

The Mexcobre Case solutions are in the 133spans.xls file.  The Excel function tutorial is in the funclong.xls file.  There are many other tutorial files dealing either with SFAS 133 or with my Working Paper 262 cases on computer security.