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5.1 Scheme Example

The Scheme definition

(define sum-iter
  (lambda(n acc i)
    (if (> i n)
      (sum-iter n (+ acc i) (+ i 1)))))

solves the problem of summing the integers 1 to 5 when applied to the arguments 5 0 1. We can create a new definition sum1 which solves the problem of summing the integers 1 to k, given the size of the problem k, with the definition

(define sum1
    (sum-iter k 0 1)))

Analysis of sum1 involves analyzing sum-iter since sum1 makes a single call to sum-iter. The definition of sum-iter is recursive. Next, using the definition of a continuation in Section 3, we write the continuation of each call to sum-iter inside the definition of sum-iter. This definition consists of a single if expression. The only time recursive calls are made to sum-iter is when i is less than or equal to n. The continuation of the call to sum-iter may be written as

(lambda(n) n)

This is the identity function. Since each continuation simply returns its argument, there is no need to form the continuations in the first place and it is possible for an optimizing compiler or interpreter to derive an equivalent program which replaces the recursive calls to sum-iter with an iteration which directly forms the sum of 0 + 1 + ...+ k with a single call to sum-iter.

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