CSCI 1320 - Links

This page is a lot more fun if you have Java 5.0 installed. You only need the JRE.
Syllabus Links Schedule Grades

On this page I will be posting important information that you need to know for the class. I'll also be sending out e-mails, but you should check this page occasionally. It will have links on it to significant items.

General Computer Links:

In class code - Follow this link to see all the progams we have written in class.

Computer Science Career Trends - This just gives some stats on CS and the condition of the field for future employment.

Linux and vi Help Sheet - This is a little PDF file that has basic commands for Linux and vi. Ignore the part about submitting assignments with e-mail. You will be using a different program for doing that with your coding assignments.

Cygwin - This program brings what will look and feel like a Linux command line to a Windows machine. When you install it, make sure that you select the the development options so that you will have gcc with it. You should also select Java because that will help with submitting your assignments. If you also select OpenSSH then you will be able to use ssh and scp from the command line to connect to the CS machines in the same way you would with Putty. If you also select everything in the XFree86 part you can use xstart to begin an X-windows session and get something that looks similar to what you use in the lab.

Putty executable - A program that lets you connect to the departmental machines using ssh from a Windows box.

Assignment Submission Help

Useful Links for CSCI 1320/1321 - This is a page of links compiled by Dr. Massingill and others in the CS department that you might find helpful.

Linux Info Page - This page has descriptions of some of the more important commands in Unix and Linux. Use it and/or the Unix tutorial that Dr. Hicks has.

Remote Access to CS Machines - a helper page on this topic.

The Inquirer - A site that has daily shorts on what is happening with computer hardware.

Anand Tech - Another hardware site. This one has more detailed articles, but they are far less frequent. If you want to know more about what is happening inside your computer though, this is a great place to go.

ZDNet - Ziff-Davis is a large publisher of computer magazines and is a good reference

TopCoder - This site sponsors programming competitions with significant cash prizes. At the very least is gives you a way to see how your coding skill stack up against others.

ACM programming competition - This is the main site for the international programming competition. You can click on North America then on Texas to get to the site for this years regional including the problem set that was used.

Binary, Decimal and Hex and Hexadecimal and Octal - Two links with help on different number systems.

C and Programming Links:

More Advanced Links: - C/C++ libraries that you can use when attacking more complex problems (you should be sure to check with you professor before considering to use these for any class assignment...ever).