[CS3190unix-list] ACM and CS majors mailing lists

Berna Massingill bmassing at cs.trinity.edu
Tue Feb 24 13:20:19 CST 2004

(Apologies if you receive this twice.)

Earlier in the semester I think I mentioned that we have a student
chapter of the ACM, which is the major professional society for CS.
They're putting together a mailing list so that they can notify 
people about upcoming events.  You can subscribe to the list by
pointing a browser at


Easy, free, and you should get announcements of any upcoming ACM
events.  (I believe they're having a movie night Thursday at 8:30pm,
to watch "Office Space".)

We're also putting together a mailing list of all CS majors.  In
theory Dr. Howland is collecting names of majors and subscribing
them, but if you haven't gotten a "Welcome to the CS Majors Mailing
List" message, I think you should feel free subscribe yourself by
pointing a browser at


-- blm

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